Reminder - TODAY IS AN EARLY RELEASE due to weather. Pick-ups begin at 12:30 and buses start loading at 12:55.
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Fifth graders in Mrs. Martin's language arts class recently published their nonfiction books to wrap up our Information Writing reading and writing units. A variety of topics are covered in the books on display here at Wells Road. Fifth graders in Mrs. Lagano's science class are studying the Moon Phases. Students had fun creating the phases of the moon with Oreo Cookies... yum!
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Martin 1
Martin 2
In third grade, we are learning about Narrative Nonfiction in the form of a Biography. Students read and researched people of interest. Then they wrote summaries to capture the challenges these people faced on their journeys to reaching their goals. -Mrs. Lecco’s Class
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Granby Spirit Day tomorrow! For those who choose to, wear your Granby clothing!
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
We have been studying the phenomena of a Super Blue Blood Moon in 5th grade science. To help learn the different phases of the Moon, students were challenged to practice at home using Oreos! - Mr. Janski, grade 5
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Moon Phases
Some students in Mrs. Jackson's groups have been learning how to increase their focus and attention in the classroom. They've been identifying what distracts them inside and outside of their brain, and learning strategies on how to block out distractions in the room, how to use a fidget to improve focus, and ways to keep their brain and body in the group.
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Jackson 1
Last week our class worked to build our group work and cooperation skills by completing tower building challenges. Between sessions we debriefed on what we learned about how to work together as a team. Students discovered that they were most successful working together when they focused their attention and listened to each other's ideas and then came up with a plan and executed it together. By working together, groups were able to build towers over 18 inches tall using only 10 sheets of paper, 2 rulers, 12 dixie cups, and 2 unopened containers of glue!
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Hyatt 1
Hyatt 2
Hyatt 3
Hyatt 4
Reminder! The deadline to order food-to-go for Distance Learning is TODAY at 3:00.
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Looking for a different way to engage your readers at home? Audio Books are a great option. - Kelly Hayden, Resource Teacher
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Audio Books
Food-To-Go for Distance Learning - Dec. 21st to Dec. 23rd. See attached for details.
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Food letter
This is my favorite wall at Wells Road School. Not only are there so many handprints of former students and teachers in here, but the number of math questions that can be asked about this picture are tremendous! For example: How many fingers are here? Right hands? Thumbs? How many students does this represent? How would the spacing be different if the hands were closed? This is a reminder that math is all around us, all the time. We just need to see it! Kristin Rice - Math Coach
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Rice 2
PJ Day at Wells Road tomorrow!
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Wells Road progress reports can now be viewed through the parent portal. Happy Thanksgiving!
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Students in Mr. Faber's fourth grade science class got to experience the effect of sand being blown against their hand to better understand wind erosion. They are currently learning about different types of weathering and erosion.
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Faber 2020
Mrs. Cloukey’s class enjoys some outside learning! We are doing Math on the Move to review for our test.
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Tomorrow is Dobby Day at Wells Road. Students and staff should remember to wear their most unique socks!
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
In Ms. Di Nuzzo's, 4th graders enjoyed secretly writing a positive Smilegram to 3rd graders to cheer them up. Photo of our class waiting to surprise them.
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Wear Granby clothing or colors tomorrow for Elementary Granby Spirit Day!!
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Happy Halloween!
over 3 years ago, Pauline Greer, Principal
Good morning Wells!
Where’s Waldo?
Parachute Power!
Happy Halloween!
Learning from home? Here are some helpful tips! • Create a learning space just for you. Make sure it is quiet and clutter free. • Gather all the materials you will need for the day. A checklist might be helpful! • Set up a routine and stick to it! This is especially important in the morning! Get dressed, eat breakfast, and get ready for school just like you would do if you were attending in person. • Reduce distractions. Headphones are a great way to block out background noise. • Take brain breaks and screen breaks regularly. Go outside, stretch, exercise, read a book, or get some fresh air! • Participate in break out rooms. Get to know your peers and teachers. • Stay positive! Most importantly, ask questions! Don’t hesitate to reach out to your teacher. Communication is so important. We are all in this together!
over 3 years ago, Wells Road School
Learn from home