The Granby Board of Education (BOE) is composed of seven members elected for four-year terms by the registered voters of the Town of Granby. The Board is responsible both to the local community and to state government to maintain "good public elementary and secondary schools" and to "implement the educational interests of the State” as defined in Section 10-4a of the Connecticut General Statutes.
During the school year, the BOE meets according to a posted schedule on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room. Notice of all meetings is posted on the website at least 48 hours in advance. Meetings are open to the public. An agenda is prepared prior to the posting of the meeting. If you would like to propose an item for the agenda, please speak with the Superintendent of Schools or BOE Chairperson at least one week prior to the meeting.
All meetings will be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Members of the public may address the Board on any item not on the meeting’s agenda during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. However, discussion of personnel issues is not permitted.
Provision for any individual or group to address the Board concerning any subject on the meeting agenda shall be as follows: five minutes may be allotted for each speaker and a maximum of twenty minutes to each subject matter. Public comment should be held until the end of Board discussion of an item. Please wait to be recognized by the BOE Chairperson before speaking.
No violent behavior, harassment or unruly conduct will be permitted and shall be grounds for summary termination by the Chairperson of the individual’s privilege to address the Board. The Chairperson also reserves the right to adjourn the meeting to a later time and/or date if the improper conduct persists. The Chairperson may direct any public comments to the appropriate place on the agenda.